The Age of AI and the rise of Neuroscience within marketing’s rapid evolution.

Part of the mystery of AI is that it is designed to be subtle. - Mike Bugembe

It makes some comfortable, others excited. The machine learning matrix, moving us into the era of neuro-marketing. A branch of Neuroscience , which I’ve had a committed interest in, since pre-teens because of having developed epilepsy. Yet, another mystery…

The ability of targeting interests and behaviours online, re-marketing and probability planning, it has been around for more than a decade. I recall being a campaign trafficker, loading campaigns onto Double Click, an ad serving technology - and having the option to target behaviour. That was in 2011.

I believe, that in the immenent future the role of a marketer, regardless of function will ask that you evolve by learning to see beyond the executional and as the technologies and belief systems evolve the field of communications, regardless of platform, will require the lens of neurological science, if not already in it's infancy. COVID having thrust us into this reality.

AI has its pro's and con's. Everything does. That’s why the entire concept of RISK exists…

Fact is, we leave data trails all over, even when we’re not posting, searching or transacting…

AI’s ability to develop models with various levels of predictability, at the scale and speed at which it does and the value return, is unparalleled.

Simply put, it’s (the machine logic) is making surer, more calculated decisions faster than that of the human mind.

Other examples outside of AI Technology for advertising.

It’s not just brands and corporates tapping into this, even religious organisations do so too. The application of machine learning today isn't something reserved for “the corporate baddies”.

You, teach loads of algorithms more about yourself and the way your brain fires daily, just by using your phone or other linked devices.

You're opting into that dialogue between your brain and AI. You're browsing behaviour, is an indication of your brain's mental states and choices. - Ramiza Abdool

Fundamentally, the brief for all marketers, is to capture attention and evoke response on both conscious and unconscious desires then Grow and foster connection, consistently. Sustainably.

COVID has accelerated everyones digitisation efforts and the investment companies are making into AI driven tech solutions to automate the complex and free us human’s up to do the creating.

“Neuromarketing” loosely refers to the measurement of physiological and neural signals to gain insight into customers’ motivations, preferences, and decisions, which can help inform creative advertising, product development, pricing, and other marketing areas.


Neuroscience & AI