Downloads of Wisdom

ramiza abdool ramiza abdool

The Age of AI and the rise of Neuroscience within marketing’s rapid evolution.

You, teach loads of algorithms more about yourself and the way your brain fires daily, just by using your phone or other linked devices.

You're opting into that dialogue between your brain and AI. You're browsing behaviour, is an indication of your brain's mental states and choices.

The difference between the "big guys” marketing efficiency and the “smaller” is the buying power behind the intelligence used for "next-level” marketing. Which is to capture attention and evoke response on both conscious and unconscious desires.

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ramiza abdool ramiza abdool

Neuroscience & AI

The relationship between AI and neuroscience is a two-way street. On one hand, neuroscience can inspire new AI techniques and models by providing insights into how the brain works. For example, deep learning, which is a popular AI technique, was inspired by the structure and function of the human brain's neural networks.

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ramiza abdool ramiza abdool

Marketing Science - The Rise of AI and Neuro-marketing

You, teach loads of algorithms more about yourself and the way your brain fires daily, just by using your phone or other linked devices.

You're opting into that dialogue between your brain and AI. You're browsing behaviour, is an indication of your brain's mental states and choices.

The difference between the "big guys” marketing efficiency and the “smaller” is the investment behind the intelligence used for "next-level” marketing. Which is to capture attention and evoke response on both conscious and unconscious desires.

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Opinion, Human Experience ramiza abdool Opinion, Human Experience ramiza abdool

OPINION / Was there ever a normal?

The predicted motion of anything is either when things go "back” to normal. Using the past as an indicator of comfort. This is the mind doing what it does best, referencing historical data, in order to make calculated decisions for the future. Risk aversion. And it can also get you stuck and stagnant.

The "NEXT” normal. Looking to the future for a reference to build actions upon.

The "NEW” normal. A natural sense of comfort taken from having a framework to operate within.But, was there ever a "normal” ? Or was it your routined way of existing and operating?

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Opinion ramiza abdool Opinion ramiza abdool

How AI can perpetuate racist/sexist imbalances

The same thinking for any solution architects, marketing teams and people who are looking at sets of data to make “informed” or “accurate” decisions, is to not be of the belief that the machine is right. The machine, is making predictions on inputs. For the most part, these inputs are still running on outdated belief systems.

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ramiza abdool ramiza abdool

Coffee Conversations with Nfluential

An Informal, conversation with #Nfluential's Anne Dolinschek on how I entered into the industry [unintentionally]

My frank thoughts on culture , organisational culture, the evolution of the industry , the construct of influence , behaviour changes, strategic value , diversity and pseudo diversity, scarcity complexes, reactivity, creativity and “influencer marketing”.

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Opinion, Human Experience, Trends ramiza abdool Opinion, Human Experience, Trends ramiza abdool

COLORINTECH Leadership Series / Mike Bugembe founder of

Part of the barriers and obstacles faced by minority groups within the business and tech space, is not just in the context of working in tech, but within the architecture of data that is being used to inform much of AI's decision making. More importantly though, how this is assisting in perpetuating imbalances at a global scale and mostly without any regulation.

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Opinion, Human Experience ramiza abdool Opinion, Human Experience ramiza abdool

Podcasts - Are marketers hearing Consumer's or waiting to react?

The democratization of old radio or the peoples voice?

Anyone can start one and there are a plethora of topics and point of views to tap into. The upside, more perspectives. The downside, another touch-point for ignorance to be disseminated.

It’s a powerful tool that requires a lot less capital investment in the production of the content.

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Opinion ramiza abdool Opinion ramiza abdool

PRINT/ The Writing was on the Wall

The acceleration of digital adoption and tech infrastructure business to either adapt and evolve, or dissolve. Industry agnostic - and humbling overall.

Currently, we’re witnessing the closure and fall of the countries media publisher titans. And for some reason, there is shock amongst the industry. You didn’t need clairvoyance to receive the vivid premonition that it was not a matter of IF but rather WHEN traditional media models would cease to exist.

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Opinion, Human Experience ramiza abdool Opinion, Human Experience ramiza abdool

Re-framing Engagement and Connection in the Information Era

Humanity is more consciously aware of how they are communicated to and undermining intelligence in an era where information is historically more accessible than ever before, is a volatile playground whilst injustice and inequality is brimming to the collective surface.

We need to look deeper than the surface , connecting is not just segmenting and acquiring with ‘targeted relevancy’ because spoiler alert: we’re about to jargon-out. Innovation is birthed from chaos.

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